Title: Science Ninja Team Gatchaman - Duel of Galactor Island
Catalog Number: T-262
Manufacturer: Lilli Company
Price: ¥12,500
Released: 6/78
Status: Out-of-print
Description: After their first film, three more episodes of Gatchaman were released by Lilli the following year. The next three episodes were chosen to represent the best of what Gatchaman had to offer - no small feat given the number of episodes to choose from. But Lilli represented the heart of the show well by choosing episodes 53, 81 and 105 to finish out their four film set. Pictured above is "Duel of Galactor Island," episode 81. Again, each of these volumes contained edited versions of the episodes, running from twelve to fifteen minutes each, with full color and sound. The packaging and contents for these three releases were similar to the first Gatchaman vs. Turtleking volume. Monaural