Ace V Comics SF Anime Masterpiece Selection - Super Mecha Gatchaman 1-3
Stock Number: 50911-22 (1), 50912-23
(2), 50913-24 (3)
Publisher: Ohayo Shuppan
Released: ?
Information: Another set
of reprints of the earlier Sunpy
and Ace V books.
Pages: 192
- SF Anime Masterpiece Selection - Super Mecha Gatchaman
- 1
- Page 1: Credits
- Page 2: Index Page
- Pages 3-64: Refrigeration Iron Beast Ice Creamer -
Adaptation of episode 14
- Pages 65-128: Super Reconstruction Machine Mechanica
- Adaptation ofepisode 16
- Pages 129-192: Firebird Vs. Fire Eating Dragon
- Adaptation of episode 22
- .
- SF Anime Masterpiece Selection - Super Mecha Gatchaman
- 2
- Page 3: Credits
- Page 4: Index Page
- Pages 5-64: Certain Death of the Gatchaman Fire -
Adaptation of episode 67
- Pages 65-128: Science Ninja Team G-6 - Adaptation
of episode 60
- Pages 129-187: Mystery of the Monster Mecha Factory
- Adaptation of episode 59
- Page 188: A picture of Ken
- .
- SF Anime Masterpiece Selection - Super Mecha Gatchaman
- 3
- Page 3: Credits
- Page 4: Index Page
- Pages 5-64: Return to Life Boomerang - Adaptation
of episode 80
- Pages 65-128: The Bracelets Exposed - Adaptation
of episode 76
- Pages 129-187: The Stolen Gatchaman Information -
Adaptation of episode 79
- Page 188: A picture of Ken
- .
- The contents of these three volumes are the same as
the Ace V and Ace
V Go Go series.