

It goes without saying that I couldn't have done all this without some help. While I do own the majority of merchandise displayed on my pages, I'm not fortunate enough or wealthy enough to own it all. Collecting "Gatchaman" merchandise is a very specified field and no matter how long you might be at it, you'll never, ever, ever find everything... Trust me. My greatest appreciation and thanks goes out to all the manufacturers of this merchandise and all my friends who have supplied me with things for the pages over the years. It seems like I'm discovering previously unknown, old merchandise just about every week, not to mention the glut of new items still being released. Some of it exciting, some of it dull...but it's there nonetheless.

Part of the reason for this great quantity of merchandise is the "nostalgic" boom going on in Japan currently. It's also due to the widespread exposure that "Gatchaman" received throughout the world. It has been shown in Japan, America, Australia and most major European, South American and Asian countries in one form or another. Many of these countries produced their own merchandise, which varied in quality and availability.

America seems to have had the lowest quality and thinnest selection of merchandise, which is funny given how well "Battle of the Planets" is remembered there. Europeans however, especially the UK and France, had a great deal of good merchandise to choose from. Comics, toys, playsets, costumes, records... you name it. Tracking some of this stuff down after 20 years is a time-occupying, expensive project. Especially since "Gatchaman" items seem to be selling for *very* inflated prices lately. But the items are out there just waiting to be found, all you need to do is look...

Below is a list of manufacturers whose items I have on my page. Also is a list of private indivduals who have provided me with scans, information and sometimes actual items.


Thanks to the following manufacturers

Tatsunoko Pro.


Akita Shoten, Ansonii, Artbox, Asahi Sonorama, Bandai, Banpresto, Banso, The Battle of the Planets Fan Club, Blue Grape, CEJI, Chiku Shobo, Civas, Club-M, Danone, Discos Belter, Duemme, Dynamic Forces, EDI-7, Eidai Grip, Ei Ko Sha, Enix Publishing, Felissimo, Furenaba Orensha, Gatchaman Fan Club, Ginga Shuppan, GLO & Gatchaman Countermeasure Headquarters, Golden Acorn Publishing Co. Ltd., Gordy International, Headfirst Productions, Heraclio Fournier, Hibari Shobo, Hikari no Kuni, Hopper Pro., Imai, Jecsan, Jitsugyo Shijitsu Honsha, Junior Press, Kindai Eiga Sha, Kinema Jumpo Sha, Kodansha Publishing, Koide, Konami, :awson, Les Deux Coqs d'Or, Le Petit Menestral, Media Works, Medicom Toy, Merit, Mikrogen, Minori Shoten, MIXX Entertainment, Mollin Video, Movic, Niken Shobo, Nippon Columbia, Ohayo Shuppan, Pat Munson-Siter, Peter Pan Playthings, Polydor, Polystyle Publishing, Popy, Publicacion Fher, Quanto-Tobor Laboratories, Rhino Home Video, Riido-Sha, Ring Records, R & R Associates, R. Talsorian Games, The 'S.A.D.'/Happy Boy Partnership, Sandy Frank Film Syndication, Secret Society Trouble Maker Bird Scramble, Shogakukan, Showa Note, Sima-Malakoff, Sun Planning, Super Collector, Super Tracks Music, Takara Toy, Tatsumi Shuppan, Tatsunoko Fan Club USA, Tatsunoko Original, Televizier, Ten Productions, Tokuma Shoten, Top Cow Productions, Tsukuda Original, TwoMorrows Publishing, Unifive, Urban Vision Entertainment , WarnerVision Japan, Whitman - France, Whitman Publishing, World International Publishing Limited, Yashima, Yujin and Yutaka for producing the merchandise on these pages.



Thanks to the following individuals

First to someone without whose relentless prodding, this site may never have been done (vroom...) Also to G-6, Diinzumo, Brech***, Dexter, Frank Bogers, Jen Nelson, Veronika Henkels, Chizuko Nakamura , Malrán Arventnír, Trudi, Ruben, George Perkins and BoyNeptune for adding invaluable knowledge.

If you have any comments, suggestions or contributions for these pages, please e-mail me.

Thanks for visiting, I look forward to hearing from you!


Alive since 2/25/97

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