Title: How to Draw Tatsunoko Heroes & Heroines - Action Techniques
ISBN Number: 4-7661-1443-4
Publisher: Graphic-Sha
Price: ¥1400
Released: 6/25/04
Status: Out-of-print
Information: A follow-up to the earlier Basic Techniques book, this second black and white art insruction book was released by Graphic-sha in Japan June, 25 2004.With even less in the way of actual art instruction, this volume seemed to be more a collection of model sheet drawings from various Tatsunoko programs ranging from their earliest, to some of their newest. While those were wonderful to see, it would have been nice had this volume provided more instructional content for those wishing to learn to draw in the "Tatsunoko syle." Small comic chapter breaks were included, as were interviews with Chuichi Iguchi (who supplied the new instructional art material to this volume as well), and Suzuka Yoshida. Following the art instruction chapters was another gallery of new art from Iguchi, Ippei Kuri, Hiroshi Sasagawa and Suzuka Yoshida.
Pages: 128
Size: B5